An Almost Anonymous Blog

Purple Day

Today is Purple Day! It's a day to celebrate, recognize, and bring awareness to epilepsy. It's about dispelling myths, shedding light on the condition and educating people. You can read more about it at

I've written extensively about my experience with Epilepsy; here are all the things I've written:

I don't have a lot to say today, as I feel I've said a lot about it already (see above). But one thing I will add is that this week - only Tuesday so far! - I've felt a lot of stress from work. Actually, the last three weeks have been rather stressful in terms of volume of work and the type of work I've had to do. Don't get me wrong, it's all part of my regular duties, I've just had some particularly bad days compared to "normal" times.

As best as my wife and I can figure, stress is one of my seizure triggers. Luckily (and I have to emphasize I am lucky) my seizures are under control, last June notwithstanding1. So I do my best to mitigate stress in my life, although it's not always possible. But today, knowing that I'm entering a somewhat stressful situation, I made some adjustments in my day.


So I'm doing well today, and don't feel the stress so much. My to-do list is almost complete - a far cry from yesterday when I couldn't finish the list.

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  1. I had a seizure in June due to missed medication.↩
