An Almost Anonymous Blog

New Project Idea

Yes, I still need to provide an update on my epilepsy essay 12-week project; and I'll get there. It's on my list to do this week, and gosh darn it it's still Sunday, so I have time.

In the meantime, I thought I'd tease a new project I'm actively working on right now. I don't know where it came from1, but I was walking and the idea popped into my head to re-import my CD collection into Apple Music (née iTunes) as lossless audio2. I have my CDs in miniature crates I got a while back which puts them in a convenient container for going through them a box at a time.

The project will also include listening to these albums and putting together a podcast to reflect on the albums in the collection. These CDs are essentially a snapshot of my life from the mid-to-late 90s to the mid-to-late 2000s, when I stopped collecting physical albums (mostly because of the convergence of easy to obtain music downloads, and moving across province and not wanting more CDs to lug around). There are some new ones in there that I've picked up in the last year, but for the most part it's a fairly static collection.

These podcast episodes wouldn't be a new show, I'd use my existing semi-dormant podcast Alternative Airwaves as the home for these shows. As such I plan on finding some music under Creative Commons licenses to fill out the music a little because I wouldn't be able to play full versions of songs from my collection.

Anyway, as I said, I'm working on it right now; I'm in stage 1 of the first crate, which is going through the collection album-by-album and replacing lower quality MP3's with lossless quality m4a's. In the process I also inspired my wife to download photos from CDs onto her own computer so overall this has been quite a win-win project.

  1. I have an inkling it has something to do with making a mixtape.

  2. I'm using Apple's Lossless codec; I should probably use FLAC but I'm more than likely going to use my iPod to play back this music.

#music #projects