An Almost Anonymous Blog

Mixtapes are hard!

Growing up I always recorded things onto cassette tapes - radio, some of my CDs, everything. Mostly because for a long time we didn't have CD players in the car or even a portable CD player, so tapes were king. But I never made "mixtapes" in the colloquial sense; nothing themed or carefully crafted together. Just music I liked. I slapped it onto a tape.

But recently I wanted to make a really well-thought out mixtape with my stereo system. So far I've scraped together about 20 minutes...and it's taken a lot longer than 20 minutes to find those songs! Most of the tapes I have are 90 minutes; you need roughly 45 minutes to fill a side. I even have some 120 minute tapes! Imagine trying to fill 60 minutes. I wish I had more 60 minute tapes...

Anyway I'm at the point where I think I would rather just stay in my lane and just make a tape of songs that I like. That's what it's started out being, but I'm also trying to pick music that is, shall we say, more accessible to my wife. Stuff that I think she won't hate listening to in the car, where I intend on listening to this, maybe.

Well, I'll get around to it. Maybe in the meantime I will read about how to make a mixtape...
