An Almost Anonymous Blog

Writing Excuses (podcast)

If you're not familiar with the Writing Excuses podcast, the short summary is: it's a bunch of authors and people in the publishing world talking about writing fiction and the publishing industry. The tagline is "15 minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart."1

Here's the thing: I don't write fiction (anymore). They will occasionally get into writing non-fiction, but it's rare. Why do I continue to listen to this podcast?

I don't really have an answer, I'm kind of just riffing right now because I was just listening to it on a walk.

I suppose part of the appeal of the podcast is that you can get a glimpse into what kind of work goes into piecing a story together, as well as some insight into what publishers are looking for. The authors on the show have quite a bit of experience and success in the publishing field, so even though I sometimes don't like what they do2, I know that they're worth listening to for advice and expertise.

But other than that, there's no practical advice I've gleaned from this except the occasional nugget of wisdom that applies beyond writing fiction. Maybe that's the reason right there - finding the diamond in the rough.

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  1. It's longer than 15 minutes at this point, but that includes short ad breaks and a "thing of the week".

  2. I read Mary Robinette Kowal's The Spare Man (2022) at the beginning of last year and I wasn't a fan.

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