An Almost Anonymous Blog

On Writing For An Audience

I was journalling last night - as I do - and I was thinking about my test newsletter I wrote yesterday. Specifically, I wrote down that I liked the way the post turned out but I'm still not sure I want to continue with the idea. The reason why I'm not sure is that it represents a not-insignificant commitment.

Which is funny, because I have no problems writing on this blog. Sure, sometimes I have a dry well and don't post very much for a time, but more often than not I have at least one post per week (and usually more than that). Technically I have an audience that reads this. But I'm writing for myself and off-the-cuff.

I think that what intimidates me a little bit is that if I were to start a capital-N Newsletter is that I'm aiming it directly at an audience - it's no longer for me. So the idea of reliably providing content on a weekly basis feels like a lot of pressure without even starting the thing. And this is completely putting the cart before the horse, since I haven't even started it!

I also wrote about the possibility of replacing my weekly podcast time that I set aside to record with my brother with time re-dedicated to my book podcast. Or even bi-weekly time, since this season my brother and I were only recording every two weeks. My wife already worked around my recording schedule once before, I don't see how this would be any different - other than that it's strictly "me" time, and not sharing with someone else.

I don't know - I gave myself plenty to think about. I finished up suggesting to myself that I continue with some "practice" newsletters, but written privately and not shared. I think that's a good idea, and something I can still aspire to meet a self-imposed weekly deadline.

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