An Almost Anonymous Blog

What's Happening?

My last three weeks have been very busy. Busy for me anyway - I don't want to compare myself to others. Other people might be busier and consider my workload light. But for me, it's busy. I work in media and Fall is when advertisers come out of their summer cocoons and begin buying ad spots again, and I've recently taken on more work from another department, so I'm learning to manage something new while tackling the familiar. It can be tough.

On top of that we had a crazy softball weekend: 8 games in 5 days. 6 of those were between Friday and Sunday. It could have been 10, or even 11...but we didn't do well enough in the playoffs (we played 1 of 2 possible games Wednesday, and 6 of possible 8 on the weekend). This really took away from any kind of semblance of reality for a "normal" weekend.

But as I said in a recent Mastodon post, I took a step back from everything to see that I really did take some time to relax. Some of the things I've done in the last few weeks:

I think there's probably more, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head. Actually, one more: I wrote a post I'm going to publish on Medium, and then on my WordPress blog. I still haven't joined the Medium publisher program so the article isn't going to be behind a paywall, but I do want to get something up there. I haven't posted in a while.

I don't see things slowing down for a while, but I hope at least I'll be able to keep up leisure activities to keep myself sane.
