An Almost Anonymous Blog

The website takes form

What's this? Two posts in a day? It must be a slow day at work.1

A short while back I put the finishing touches on my personal website. At this point, all that's left is buying a domain name and connecting my Netlify account to it. I meant to take screenshots earlier but never got around to it.

Last night I played around with some CSS styling since I was pretty much done with the content. Since I don't have anything left to do with the site (except maybe cleaning up the stylesheet), I decided to have a little bit of fun. See below for a preview of the site.2

The "home" page, which contains information about me. The page displaying links to where I write content. The podcasts page. The "Now" page.

Hopefully those are self-explanatory but for a description maybe just view the page source and read the Alt Text.

There are a few design issues I'd like to correct, such as the positioning of the podcast cover art & text describing them. But overall I'm pleased with the way it's turned out.

  1. It is.

  2. One minor note - I think I'm going to reset the background colour to white.

#projects #website