An Almost Anonymous Blog

Tuesday Thoughts 03

My work life is on a precipice; we are shortly moving into another building in another part of the city, to consolidate with another. This building has been tentatively sold, and the new building was recently renovated (and being renovated again, to accommodate studio space) and is much nicer. There will be more people there, a complete change from the silent hallways of the current building.

But this building wasn't always this way. At one point it was tough to get a parking spot, and you had to park in a city-owned gravel parking lot next door until something opened up. But many rounds of layoffs has emptied out the building - there are barely 10 people on the first floor alone on a good day. It's quiet, and I've grown used to it.

The new building? It's quiet-ish, but there are definitely more people there. It'll be busier. It'll take longer for me to get there (and changes my commute from North-South to East-West, which is the direction most people travel in). I won't have a private workspace anymore. I probably won't write on the blog as often now, at least during work hours.

Things are about to change very quickly. But change is good, and things can't stay the same forever.

Things in life are going quite well now. We are taking care of a lot of debt (we now own our two cars outright, and have no credit card debt), and giving ourselves some more freedom to do the things we want to do instead of scrap things together and just get by. We still need to be careful, but it's certainly easier to be careful when you don't have an anchor attached to your ankle.

I sometimes wonder how the same people's posts get so many toasts and climb to the top of the "trending" part of Bear's Discover page, and wonder why my stuff doesn't get there. I know people are reading, but maybe I'm not interesting enough to reach more people than I have.

And then I try to remember that comparison is the thief of joy.

I have some alone time coming up this weekend. I should spend it working on some projects I've had in the back of my head (I still need to write something about that cassette mixtape I made a few weeks ago!). But I also want to watch some DVDs I bought recently. There's time enough for everything.

I've been neglecting my health recently, but not in the way you might think. It's been 7 days since I last wrote in my private Health Notes.txt. I'm not trending in the wrong direction (yet) but I'm starting to lose sight of things and that's when the thought of giving up creeps in and I have to make an effort to get back into the groove (it took me 3 months to get back to regular food logging, and I'm still not sticking within my calorie budget).

I think I'm going to stop writing this post now, and open up my health notes file.

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