An Almost Anonymous Blog

Review: Sleeman Zero +

The other big beer companies are coming out with their own non-alcoholic beers, and the newest I spotted was Sleeman Zero +. I was a fan of Sleeman back when I drank alcoholic beer, so it was nice to see a new offering on the non-alcoholic shelf in the grocery store. There was also something called "Veer" from Muskoka Brewing Company, but at $ 12 for a 4-pack, I balked at that for now. Sleeman Zero + comes as a 6-pack for $ 13. A little more palatable.

I thought it was a standard 0.0 drink, but clearly I didn't look close enough at the packaging. The "+" in the name here refers to a few things:

Interesting! I guess if you're going to introduce a new NA beer to the market, you have to do something to set yourself apart from some of the more entrenched offerings (and companies who are doing interesting things on par with the craft beer market). After examining the can I saw that there is a Health Canada stamp on it, as well as a warning not to drink more than 3 of these drinks in one day. Crazy! But I guess the reason for that is the 250g of potassium in each serving.

The front of the Sleeman Zero + canThe reverse of the Sleeman Zero + can, displaying nutrition information

My first time drinking this came after playing softball, so the electrolyte infusion was a happy coincidence. The taste is okay; the coconut water isn't overpowering and I think helps give you that beer "taste". But otherwise, it is pretty bland as far as NA beers go. Nothing special about it. But if you're looking for something refreshing to drink on a hot day or after playing sports, this is a pretty good option.

A glass containing Sleeman Zero +. The colour is a clear amber.

It looks like a beer, that's for certain. I feel like this is the easiest part of the drink for brewers to get right. The head settles very quickly, though I also think this is a property shared by many non-alcoholic beers. I've never had much issue with "too much head" on a poured glass of non-alcoholic beer.

Out of five stars: ⭐⭐ ½

It's refreshing for playing sports, but overall it's pretty bland and doesn't have a lot of character. I think that Sleeman is relying on familiar branding and the novelty of "electrolytes" to sell the beer. Well, the first part worked - I bought it because it's Sleeman! But if I'm looking for a light, non-sports drink beverage for refreshing purposes, I think I'd rather pick some hop water.

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