An Almost Anonymous Blog

Saturday Thoughts 02

As I tap out this post on my iPad, I wish I had decaf coffee in the house; I want a coffee, but itā€™s far too late in the day for me to have one. I know itā€™s Saturday, but I donā€™t want to be up all night. Well, I always have my NA beers. By the way, it IS weird to tap out a blog post instead of type. This is a much better solution than using my phone if Iā€™m not going to use a computer, but itā€™s justā€¦ not right somehow.

Iā€™m also enjoying my musical setup right now - but more on that later.


Somebody - and I forget who now - mentioned in their week notes. I tried searching through my feed reader at all possible people I would have read this weekend, but could not find what I was looking for. I wanted to thank them for reminding me of its existence, and say that I listened to the Underground 80 station this morning and loved it. I need to add this station to my repertoire going forward.


I got a heat warning alert effective tomorrow through Tuesday. Before I read it I thought it was effective today! Wouldnā€™t be too surprising since itā€™s already very hot out today. For a minute I thought it would dash my plans or another evening bike ride, but thatā€™s still an option. Juryā€™s out on whether or not that happens.


I successfully adjusted the speed on my cassette deck today! I noticed this past week that Deck A was playing slightly too fast, while Deck B seemed to be mostly okay. I wanted to buy a 3000hz test tape, but didnā€™t want to A) wait for it to arrive, and B) pay $25+ for it1. I did some very rough testing on a few other decks I had in the house and found a unit I thought was close enough to correct to record a tone to a blank cassette. Once I had that, it was as easy as taking the outer shell and turn the small screws to change the speed while monitoring with a free app called Sonic Tools.

And that musical setup I mentioned - my last thought for the blog today.

My wife is away this weekend and often that means I spend more time on things I donā€™t spend a lot of time on while sheā€™s home. One of those things is video games; what ends up happening is I bring my PS3 upstairs and spend the whole weekend playing instead of doing other things.

This time I specifically made a point to leave the PS3 hooked up in the basement, so itā€™s in a different physical space entirely. My books and writing equipment is all on the main floor, and my personal computer is upstairs in the office. I did some work up there today ā€œdevelopingā€ photos but didnā€™t want to spend all my time there.

Back to the main floor. I threw in 5 CDs to play on random to have on in the background for writing/reading:

Today's albums on random for reading & writing. Surprisingly the only disc that has t played anything yet is Learn & Burn.

Five albums arranged on a table. From top left to bottom right: The Sheepdogs Learn & Burn; Jet Get Born; Tokyo Police Club Elephant Shell; Stabilo Happiness & Disaster; Kaiser Chiefs Employment

This is doing several things:

  1. Itā€™s keeping the TV off
  2. Itā€™s giving me something new to listen to other than streaming algorithms
  3. Itā€™s creating a separate, middle space on the main floor for me to encourage me to do my writing and reading.

So yeah, itā€™s been a nice couple of days (last night I was playing a couple of cassettes) in terms of doing things differently. Still debating whether or not I want to go for that bike rideā€¦I might skip it.

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  1. It was something like 12.99CADplusanother12 shipping at least.
