An Almost Anonymous Blog


I posted on Mastodon that I got sick yesterday, most likely a combination of heat stroke (we were in the sun for far too long, and wearing hot clothes, for a funeral and burial) and a too-sweet dessert that maybe didn't agree with my stomach.

So I'm wearing a sweater outdoors after 9pm, that's good. Unfortunately it's because I got sick a few hours ago (thinking one of the homemade treats didn't agree with me + extreme heat). As I slept it away I started getting the chills. Oh well, I'm comfortable now so I will not complain.

I spent most of last night afterwards in bed, sleeping; it was just the most comfortable thing to do. I guess that's my first stage of recovering from anything: sleep. I find - especially if I've thrown up - it's something that comes easily. I tend to cool down a lot too when I'm sick, so even though we were in the midst of heat wave weather I ended up under the covers, and then outdoors wearing a sweater when I was ready to get up and move about.

I know I'm on the mend when I start to want to eat more, too. That came late in the evening when I craved a bowl of vanilla ice cream. That was really tasty. Today I grabbed All The Lunch, and am currently snacking on chocolate-covered peanuts.

Another thing is I forgive myself for letting certain things slide. For instance I only logged one meal in Cronometer, and I didn't even bother flossing or brushing my teeth at night. Before that I was on a great streak - hadn't missed a day in months for flossing, and I had up until then been good about brushing my teeth at night. I could beat myself up over breaking the streak, but I know that my mental energy is low and I'll get back to it soon enough.

The one thing I try not to do is to rely on other people too much. I hate feeling helpless and I also hate the idea of taking advantage of my situation. I get to shuck some responsibilities when I'm sick, but it bothers me a little every time I do it. So I often apologize for not being as helpful, or whatnot. I just don't feel like wallowing when I'm starting to feel better.

I'm still not 100%, but I had two naps this morning and am beginning to feel better & on the road to recovery. Crossing my fingers I'm on the other side of it by tomorrow morning.

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