An Almost Anonymous Blog

Re: To Blogroll, or to not?

JCProbably wrote a post about blogrolls and linked to a few different posts that I clicked through and read. I have my own blogroll, it's in the nav menu up top. I recently wrote about how I update it manually. So this post kind of came at a good time. Also, it compares blogrolls to MySpace, which is also fun.

I grew up in the days of MySpace, and this irrational want to be included in everyone’s Top 8. Then when you’re in their Top 8, you watch that list like a hawk in case you drop from Top 2 to Top 5, or even worse, drop off altogether. Granted, blogrolls are a bit different since there’s no hard limit on how many can be included (or specified order), but the idea is similar. -- JCProbably

There are so many viewpoints to this (all linked in JC's post!) and I am now questioning my own blogroll. It's such a chore to keep updated - not the method, but actually remembering to do it. I add and remove links in my RSS feed all the time. I have the same problem with my Podcast OPML file I host on my website - I haven't uploaded a new version in a while, and it's definitely changed from the last time I uploaded it. I should probably fix that soon.

But, uh...a post like this makes me feel better about not including a blogroll, and removing One More Thing to remember. I think I will remove the link from my nav menu, but let the page live on its own and collect dust (or vines, or something). If people click onto it at random, they'll get some neat websites. But now I don't need to bear the burden of keeping it updated.

I also like the idea of a "postroll" - basically it's Junited but for all the time, and you just roll your links (you have 30 link slots, you bump a link off the bottom when you add a new link). I may do that, using my Junited list as a starting point. We'll see!

Probably if you read this at posting time I won't have made any actual changes, I'm slow that way.

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