An Almost Anonymous Blog

Project Update - Week 2

If you recall I have a little (but big) project on the go to put together a collection of essays about my experience with epilepsy:

My 12-week project plan

I'm currently in Week Two, still in the organization phase. I think I have all my topics fleshed out, and I matched what I have written to some of the topics. While I was doing this I can see a lot of work ahead of me, but I'm trying not to get overwhelmed by that yet because that's further down the road. If I think about how much work I have to do now, I'm going to scrap the whole thing before I even get to more writing.

Looking ahead at next week I don't think I will be adding any topics, but I can see myself cutting some. Most of the topics I added in the last two weeks were partly throwing stuff on the page to feel like I accomplished something. That's fine! I'll refine it next week.

And at the end of next week I'm also going to spend some time reflecting on the last three weeks and think about whether or not I met my goals.
