An Almost Anonymous Blog

Project Timeline Follow-Up

I wrote a whole post about this on Medium so I'm not going to retread ground here. It's pretty long and I don't like writing long stuff on bear blog.1 Anyway I created a link in the first sentence, you can click-through to read it on Medium.

And, while I was writing I used Cory Doctorow's "TK" trick; if you're not familiar with it the gist is that in order to keep writing and avoid falling down rabbit holes, type "TK"2 where you need further research. Since there are few words in the English language that have the letters "T" and "K" next to each other, it's easy to do a Ctrl-F to find them and finish what you left behind. I forgot about this trick and re-discovered it when I was clearing out some saved articles in Feedly.

Anyway the cool thing that Medium does is when you write "TK" in your post, it puts a little "TK" in the left margin, making it super easy to find places where you need to return and add more information. I love it.

  1. I'm not sure why, but I like that this form seems perfect for short posts that are just slightly too long for modern-day social media.

  2. Hopefully this displays properly in your browser, but I wanted to highlight specific words in this post and couldn't figure out how to do it in Markdown. So I used HTML: <span style="color:#ff6666">Text</span>

#projects #writing