An Almost Anonymous Blog

Podcast Aspirations

Continuing from yesterday's post about figuring out content creation on the writing side,I have some aspirations for my podcast "career".

I co-host a podcast with my brother but I leave the promotion and ambition for that one to him. No, my focus is on my own shows. Specifically The Slow Reader, a podcast about books. Thinking about the whole 'MovieTok' thing I listened to yesterday (and I guess by extension BookTok, but I don't know anything about that) I got some ideas for how to get more ears to hear my reviews.

I thought about some video shorts. I'm not about to create a TikTok account but you can upload things to YouTube, Instagram/Threads, etc. It's all the same. But my idea is to do some quick videos giving quick feedback of the books I read for the latest show, and directing people to the podcast if they want to hear more.

I really think this is a good idea, but I see two obstacles:

  1. I barely know anything about social media video or video editing
  2. I need to record more frequently.

For number 2, I mean more about recording more often so I don't end up being months removed from the books I read so they're fresher in my mind.

This feels like a lot of hard work, but if I want to even think about warning any kind of side money, it'll take hard work. I've done this kind of thing before, but my interest in it faded. Which sucks, because I often have ideas to revive it and it's just not my thing anymore. Maybe in the future. But for now, this is where I'm at.
