An Almost Anonymous Blog

On Static Blogs

During the summer - and wow, does that not seem like a long time ago - I set up a static blog over on NeoCities: I set up a local server on my personal laptop and installed WordPress, and got everything set up to "flatten" the site to upload to NeoCities via command line.

It was all fun! And gave me something to do during a period when I had a lot of alone time. Anyway, I decided recently I wanted to try setting up Hugo, another way to set up a static blog. It has a bit more of a learning curve than setting up WordPress but I at least have a Hugo blog set up on same computer now.

But what am I going to do with it? For now I'm going to import my local WordPress posts into the Hugo version, but then what? I had thoughts about setting up a static blog... somewhere...with a specific topic1. But the problem I have with static sites is that you can't update anywhere, at any time.

Here on Bear, I can type this on my phone and throw it online! I love the flexibility. With a static site I might be able to type it up anywhere, but I can't actually upload it until I get to my personal computer. And if I'm travelling and didn't bring that computer with me, I can't update it at all. It's limiting.

So I'm sticking it out with the platforms I have. I might eventually buy myself a domain name and change things up here but that's a problem for Future Me.

Do you have a static site? Do you sometimes wish you could update your blog at any time?

Want to get in touch with me? There's Mastodon (or Bluesky if you have it), or you can email me: srgower AT gmail DOT com.

  1. I don't need to do that - the topic I thought of is covered by the current static site.

#blogs #writing