An Almost Anonymous Blog

"Now" Pages

In the process of building my website with eleventy, I found a Discord server with plenty of helpful people to try and fix an issue I was having. I fixed it, but in the process stumbled on some other people's websites built with the platform. They're quite inspiring - I'm not going to build things like they have, but it's fun to see what people can do with it.

One of the pages I found had what the user called a "Now" page:

In it "Flamed Fury" links to a page that explains the whole concept. You can find it here:

Fun domain name. Anyway, I think the concept is very interesting. In short, a "Now" page is a place where you share what things you're interested in the moment: books, TV shows, movies, music, podcasts, etc. It's fluid, and different from an "About" page in that it informs readers what you're interested in now.

I think I'm going to implement this type of page on my personal website. I could do it here, but I think I want to keep it in a central location not tied to blogging. I figure I would probably talk about some of those things in some blog posts anyway. Plus - if I'm creating a page that is a landing point to find things I do online, it's a better spot to find out what I'm consuming.

Another reason I like the idea of adding a "Now" page is because my "about" page is essentially my index.html - on the front page of my personal site I have written up what most people would write for their "about me" information.

And a final reason: finding interesting ways of embedding information from other websites (Goodreads or Storygraph, Spotify, Pocket Casts, etc.) to display in interesting ways on my blog. I hope that I'm able to do it without needing to figure out too many plugins - I'm having a tough time with those.1

  1. I won't go into details right now - that's for another time.

#meta #now