An Almost Anonymous Blog

New Mastodon Instance

I recently found out about the toxicity of the lone administrator of

When I said that all the mods left because it was toxic. And that I was being gaslit. ... -- Stephanie Pageau

I was already considering a move to a new instances because there were multiple issues with the server lately, but I put it off because they seemed to be fixed. At the time I was unaware of the issues stemming from Chad, the administrator.

Well, now I do, so I opted to move servers. I'm now at It sucks to lose 2000+ posts but that's just the way Mastodon works. I'm not updating my old Bear posts that have the old server address; when you click on that it displays a red banner at the top indicating I've migrated the account. But new posts going forward have links to the proper instance.

Have a good weekend!

Edit: fixed the link to Stephanie's post. Accidentally sent it to!

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