An Almost Anonymous Blog

Nerdy Blog Stuff

As a result of #Junited2024, I went digging for some links to share and found this Bear theme called "McLuhan Lite" from MGX that I bookmarked a long time ago1.

The McLuhan Lite theme isn't for me, but I locked onto a different theme: Misha theme for bear blog. On its own I like the simple layout (it's similar in structure to what I was already using), and the colour scheme was okay too.

But THEN I got pointed to a fun Mastodon bot that posts random colour contrasts: @randomColorContrasts. I saved one of my blog posts to my desktop for some offline tinkering and scrolled through the posts by the bot to play with different colour combos. As a result I found this one for my primary colours: Bilbao & Snow Drift. The theme MGX designed also had a dark mode, so I found a close comparable set of colours: Atlantis & Shark. So now my site has a dark mode!

I saved some of my other custom CSS additions and made sure to include those in my CSS, though I will need to look back at some older posts to see if some of the custom stuff I've used in the past still translates properly. I may have accidentally wiped out one or two formatting things but luckily I saved a backup .CSS file before I changed my theme :)

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  1. MGX is a prolific writer but also has a few other themes and in general fun Bear hacks.
