An Almost Anonymous Blog

My Other 12 Week Project

My big project is of course my Epilepsy Essay collection but I have another 12-week plan on the go: weight loss. I got a little carried away when I was designing my 12 week goal for the essay book, I wanted to organize another goal.

My 12 week weight loss plan in spreadsheet form

It's a lot looser in structure than my book project, and that's by design. Weight loss is something that is very hard, mostly because numbers on the scale can fluctuate wildly, up or down, or they might stall for weeks on end. There are constant adjustments to be made, and it's very easy to get things "wrong".

You'll notice that a couple of weeks are blank - with weight loss, there's not a lot that you need to do other than follow your plan. Plus, this way, I have way more flexibility to review goals and make more adjustments. I can easily add new goals if things are going well!

So far I'm really on track. The goal is to lose 0.5 pounds per week, or 6 pounds over 12 weeks. As I type this I sit at 238.1 pounds; I'm not using my usual scale that I used to measure my initial weight, so there's some room for error - which is another good reason weeks 10 & 11 are blank. But I'm well over the 0.5 per week number. I'll be using this scale for the next two weeks so that will be consistent.

I'll provide an update at the three-quarter point. I'll be done softball by then (unless we play Fall Ball), and should be on my Fall exercise plan.

#health #projects