An Almost Anonymous Blog

Moving the Goal Posts

I'm tired and not feeling 100% so I'm going to keep this short. I was going to do a more in-depth update of my essay project but I don't have the bandwidth to do it and I don't think I'll remember if I delay it any further.

Anyway, I have been having trouble getting the writing done. I've written one new essay in the last week and a half, with my project timeline suggesting I should have every remaining essay topic covered by the end of this week. Next week being meant for reviewing and re-writes. Well, that's not going to happen.

I wrote in a recent post that the aim of this project was to simply get a first draft of my essay book done, and when I wrote that I meant a first draft that has been through one edit pass and put in order to form a manuscript. That was a little more ambitious than I thought.

So time to move the goal posts. I'm going to use these 12 weeks to write, so that I don't need to jam everything into a short time frame. I'll re-write the project stages and share them later, but now I don't feel the pressure to try to write 5+ essays in one night. This isn't college!
