An Almost Anonymous Blog

Milestone: June 5, 2024

I can't believe I missed this yesterday. I only remembered when I saw someone post on /r/epilepsy about being a few weeks away from being 5 years seizure-free; when I looked at my tracking app I see that I'm now 366 days seizure-free.

The last seizure occurred June 5, 2023. It was at the beginning of a softball double-header - just after completing the top of the 1st inning. I played first base that night, and remember playing the full 3 outs, and then I remember waking up. I was covered in dust and gravel, and overall felt like crap. I was nauseous, and eventually paramedics came to check me out (the other team called 911, even though my wife knew that I really didn't need that kind of medical attention).

The seizure was the result of me missing my morning medication. I probably got busy at work and checked off my reminder assuming I was going to take it in a few minutes. And then just forgot, because I didn't snooze my reminder, I dismissed it.

I'm still paranoid about forgetting to take my meds. I will often obsessively check my pill container to make sure I took them. It's just one of those small things that people don't think about when talking about epilepsy (or really, any condition that requires one to be on top of their medication).

Happy to have things under control with medication - I know that many others with epilepsy aren't so lucky.

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