An Almost Anonymous Blog

Making a Personal Website

My mind goes all over the place when it comes to projects. I bounce from one to the other with not much rhyme nor reason. If I'm lucky I'll juggle multiple projects at once; and right now I'm feeling lucky.

My newest project is designing a future website / landing page for all of my projects. I'm designing it with Eleventy, sort of from scratch. I am plucking different CSS styles from different places, but I am attempting to do most of it myself.

I have some ideas for what it will contain:

It is technically alive, online, but I'm not sharing the URL. I only uploaded it to share with some people privately. I'm building it locally on my computer, with the intent on buying a domain name and finally making it public when it's done.1

I'm going to provide updates periodically in the form of screenshots, and I'll collect the posts in a separate page here on Bear Blog. For now, this is the only post, so no page yet. Here are the screenshots of the current progress, featuring a placeholder GIF and Lorem Ipsum text!

The main page of the future srgower dot com

The "Star Trek Ipsum" page

The "Back to the Future!" page

  1. "Done" meaning I'm satisfied with the layout and have most of the content I want listed. Nothing is ever truly finished, right?

#projects #website