An Almost Anonymous Blog

What to do with a laser printer?

My building at work is being sold off and we are relocating to another building the company owns, and as a result one of our departments is clearing out a bunch of extra junk that they don't need and would be otherwise thrown out. One of the items I snagged was a Samsung black & white laser printer. It's a little older and doesn't appear to function over WiFi - it's USB only.

But we already have a printer! It's an inkjet, and it has colour, and it's wireless. It's super convenient - I can print from my iPad if I want to (and I have a few times). In order to use this laser printer, I have to connect the USB cable to whatever device I want to print from. And strangely, it doesn't work with my work laptop (I have the printer plugged into a dock, and it works fine on my Windows 11 Surface - go figure). But I have tested it and it prints well. Apart from the standard test pages, I printed out a calendar I pasted into my bullet journal (hat-tip to Notes From the Underground aka Kerri Krueger for a good explainer article.

That's about all I've done with it so far; it's been sitting on my desk, taking up room, doing nothing for the most part. Actually that's the worst part, that it takes up so much room on my desk because it can't print wirelessly. Our wireless printer has its own space and this new printer won't fit near it1.

The only idea that's come to mind is to print zines or something. Either of my own design or created by someone else for me to read. The former idea makes more sense to me than the latter, but that still presents the problem of not feeling like I have something within me to produce (yet). I may also want to try printing a J-card for cassettes. So, still some things to figure out.

Are there any fun things you've tried / created with a printer?

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  1. Hmm...well maybe. After I finish writing this I'm going to try a different configuration that might make my desk space more functional.
