An Almost Anonymous Blog

Kind Words

I posted this on Mastodon yesterday:

Ugh, read a couple of blog posts that made me question a few things wrt to what I'm doing online and why, my online presence, etc. Journalled out my thoughts and I think I've worked through the feelings of negativity but that cloud of self-doubt just doesn't go away.

I'm not going to name names / reveal what posts I read; partly because I don't want to re-read those posts and feel the same way again, and partly because I don't think it's fair to place "blame" on their shoulders for making me feel this way. They may not ever see this post anyway, but you never know, right?

Anyway - I did some journalling after I posted that and helped myself feel better, but I also got some kind words in response so I wanted to share them as they were also helpful, and might help other people too.

And this gave me a fun excuse to use Robert's Timeline add-on.

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