An Almost Anonymous Blog

It's Live!

Based on all the reading I've done lately about building personal websites and hosting blogs on your own site, I got the idea again to add a feed of my blog posts to my personal website (follow the "website" tag to find more posts about it). A great idea, as I don't want to move my blog from Bear to my own website (I'm already established here and I hate moving my blog around.)

The only problem is that because it's a static site, the RSS feed won't update unless I re-deploy the site. At the moment I can only do that manually - I trigger a deployment from Netlify. But as I've done some reading, you can configure daily builds in GitHub so that it updates automatically on Netlify.

I have yet to figure out how to do that (I've had some articles pointed out to me by Bob Monsour). So I decided to get the site set up to do that deployment so I could properly test things out.

And so it's done:

I still need to buy the domain name for it, so it's not exactly live in the way that I want it to be. But now I can get to the RSS feed idea at my leisure, and make other updates and don't need to worry about setting it up anymore. It's done.

So...that's one part of my 2024 goals done! I should focus on my essay project this weekend, now.

Update: I think I have the daily schedule set up now. I'll only really know when I make my next blog post.

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