An Almost Anonymous Blog

I still don't have my tape deck

This post is mainly just me ranting. Back in January I bought a secondhand stereo deck (a proper one, with a separate receiver, CD player, and cassette deck) but the cassette deck needed repair. I opened it up and discovered the belts were essentially decayed and needed replacing; I would have tried it myself except that as I discovered in online searches, you need to de-solder part of the mechanism in order to get at the belts. Not something I'm comfortable doing.

So I brought it into a repair shop near one of my places of work. I've called back several times, only to be told that they were still waiting on belts. That he would call me when he received them. I can't remember now when I last called; looking through my bullet journal it was definitely before April because that's when my current journal starts, and I don't see any notes about it. It's on my list of things to do this month, I'm not sure I'm going to get to it until next week. That's the next time I'll be in the area to pick it up, anyway.

At this point I'm thinking of just taking it back and trying another repair shop. There's one near my other place of work1, but I had a bad experience with them as well. They took 4 months to complete the work, with poor communication. I think I will try some place different, if I can.

It's just frustrating - I'd be okay with a longer wait if there was more communication / transparency, or that I didn't need to be the one to call and follow-up every time. Maybe it's too much to ask for a small business? I don't know, every time I call it feels like the guy doesn't remember what he told me last time. Maybe my best bet is to go into the shop next week to find out what's going on.

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  1. Early next year I'll have just one place of work. We're moving offices.
