An Almost Anonymous Blog

How About That August?

The passage of time for me now is very fluid; at times things seem to be going a mile a minute (a kilometre maybe?), and other times at a nice, slow pace. I suppose it depends on how my work calendar is set up - five-week months tend to move at a slower pace, but oddly enough it seems like July and August (both 4 month weeks for me) weren't too fast.

I share my weekly notes over on my website, and these weeknotes cover the month of August:

Weird...that's five weeks! July was four weeks if I look back at notes 13 through 16. Maybe that's why August moved by at a seemingly slow pace?

Anyway, I had a lot happen during the month as I look back at my week notes (that's what they're for, after all). Whereas in July I did a lot of bike riding, August was a little quieter on that front. In fact, I don't think I took my bike out of the bike shelter once in August. There were multiple factors - tiredness (lots of softball = less sleep), and a lot of rain during the month. Plus, with my wife on fewer trips this month I didn't have a lot of opportunity to pop out for a ride. We like to spend time together and she's not a biker.

One of the proudest things I made was a mixtape. I started with two tracks: "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" by Nancy Sinatra, and "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak. I'm actually listening to the end result of that tape right now (finished Side A). I crowd-sourced some tracks to put a playlist of "dreamy" music together and sorted everything out, and recorded it all onto a cassette.

The aforementioned tracks were the only ones I had physical media for (the Kill Bill Vol. 1 soundtrack for "Bang Bang", and the cassette for Isaak's Heart Shaped World (1989)), the rest had to be recorded from Spotify. That's OK, that's part of the point of Spotify - that I have access to whatever music I want on demand. Physical media has its limitations (and sometimes that's a feature, not a bug), so I like to combine both sometimes.

More importantly I designed a J-card and printed it out on photo paper, and created some labels for the cassette itself. It all turned out great - you can see the pictures in my Mastodon post about it. I plan on writing something a little more at-length about it later.

August was a fun month. We had a lot of softball games to make-up for rain-outs, which led to some crazy weeks and two Sunday night games between two of our different league nights.

There's probably so much more I could write about but it's time to look forward to September! Softball playoffs! Fall Ball! A brand new camera lens to play with1!

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  1. I was going to link to my Mastodon post about this, but remembered I limited it to followers only - so here's a picture of it - it's a "disposable lens". It's purely for fun.
