An Almost Anonymous Blog

Health Words - Feb 22 '24

Around May of last year I decided I didn't want to fill my blog with countless posts about my weight loss efforts; the impetus behind that was I didn't want to share every detail of my life online. At the start I wrote nearly every day of the week, but gradually dropped off to the point where - before today - the last time I wrote was January 30th.

But I had some things on my mind so I wrote today. I knew I was going to be pasting this in the blog when I started writing it, which I wish I hadn't decided, because it's less "raw" than my other entries. It reads a lot more like a blog post. Oh well. I did make some edits to change some details and wording of a few things, but otherwise it's a straight copy/paste.

I haven't written anything about weight loss in almost a month. January 30th, that was the last day. It looks like I intended to give up on tracking just about everything at that point, at the time because we were going to REDACTED for two weeks and I think I was at a low point in terms of my progress. Not that because I wasn't making any progress (I wasn't) but because I was feeling worn out about tracking everything.

I still feel that way. I tried starting up again on Tuesday, but I got as far as breakfast, lunch, and snacks, but quit by dinner. I was going to enter my dinner info but I just...didn't. And then I didn't log anything all day yesterday, and sure don't plan on it today. It's a good thing I didn't renew my Cronometer Gold membership.

At this point I don't know where to go. In general I feel healthy and in good shape. My wife and I are going to the gym and using a personal trainer and despite some two-week interruptions for travel, things are going well. I don't exactly feel like I've made a ton of progress or changes but it feels good in general to be working out and have some place to go. We don't have the equipment at home (bicycle on stationary stand and elastic bands notwithstanding) so the gym Just Works.

I don't see the scale as a useful measuring tool right now. We have access to a full body scan once a month from the gym, and I think that's going to be more useful to monitor progress in the long run. We're not going to get the scan this month (unless we do one next week, maybe?) but end of March, for sure. While it's not 100% accurate, I have a baseline from when the PT sessions started so it's a good enough tool.

I will probably get back to monitoring my calories, I just don't know when. I have a general feeling of malaise when it comes to calorie counting. I've just done it for so long...I don't know. I eat a lot of the same things day-to-day, so I have a rough idea of how many calories I'm putting into my body. I feel like I can't do it right now.

Time will heal things, I'm sure.

#fitness #health