An Almost Anonymous Blog

Friday Thoughts 01

Interesting - I've written thoughts on every day of the week except for Monday, and Friday (though that "streak" is now broken with today's post).

I'm just so tired of change lately. We set a travel schedule, and then it changes. My wife has a work trip added at the last minute, so we change it again. Then I find out our personal trainer no longer works at the gym we go to (and I found this out by pure chance - the PT manager was supposed to reach out to us to let us know of this change, still haven't heard from him even though I sent an email).

I would like things to just not change for a short amount of time. I know that change is a constant in life, but sometimes there's too much all at once.

But I got a good amount of sleep last night so I feel a bit better.

Self-inflicted change (though only technically): I decided not to go through with my newsletter idea. I wrote out some thoughts in my journal and on the blog and I came to the conclusion that if I were to do this, I'd be making a commitment to turn a hobby (following sports) into work. I don't want that. I'm going to use my new-found free time for something else.

I broke my glasses last Sunday; there's a tiny metal piece that connects the arms to the frame, and that's where my left arm snapped. It probably wouldn't have been a problem except for two things:

  1. I'm out of town until this Sunday
  2. I only had two pairs of contact lenses

For now it's held together by glue - specifically Bondic UV glue. It seems to be working alright. I just need it to hold until Sunday afternoon...

I wasn't able to get a local fix in town here, but just today I called my regular optician and even though he doesn't have the same model of frames in stock, he says he might have a workaround. We'll see on Tuesday!

This morning my wife said she thought I was suited for life in a small town. I don't disagree with that thought at all.

Thank goodness it's the weekend.

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