An Almost Anonymous Blog

Donating Blood and Volunteering

In my 2024 Resolutions post, I highlighted two items:

I've followed through with those points. Donating blood was an easy one - I booked an appointment for January 26th. The reason I listed it as a "goal" is because the last time I tried donating blood, I was turned away because of my seizure in June of last year. Canadian Blood Services requires you to be at least 6 months seizure-free before you can donate again.

That 6 month date for me was December 5th, but with the craziness of the holiday season and travel plans, I couldn't make the commitment. Hopefully I won't be turned away this time, and I'll get my pin for my 25th donation.1

The longer I delay booking an appointment, the harder it is to remember to do it. Once I get there I'll book the next appointment while I'm there. My excuse is always "I don't know my schedule!", as if it's impossible to re-schedule an appointment.

Volunteering with Epilepsy Ottawa

This one is a bit tougher for me. I'm an introvert - maybe not to the extreme, but I really like to keep to myself. I don't put myself out there very often. I had this item on my goal list since like...October? I kept moving it along to the next month.

I guess I am a little nervous about doing this, though I'm not sure why. I guess it's the whole "putting myself out there" thing. But I am lucky enough to have my epilepsy under control; I feel like I should be doing a bit more to help the community and this is one of the ways I can do it.

So I put my name in the volunteer form for events, weekday nights and weekends. We'll see what happens from here!

  1. Your dashboard on CBS gives you really cool donor stats. One of them is bleed times - from 2017 to 2023 it looks like I ranged between 7 and 12 minutes each time. Yes, I'm interested in these things.
