An Almost Anonymous Blog

Building a Website - Part Two

I made some sweeping changes from my last time out - gone is the welcoming Obi Wan Kenobi GIF, and the lorem ipsum text. I actually decided to organize things a little differently, too - instead of a "blog" folder, I have a "pages" folder, since I don't plan on making this a blog. Totally an aesthetic / personal preference, because no one will ever see this. The links won't even show as /pages/writing, they'll show as /writing.

The new, simplified home page.

Alright, there is some lorem ipsum text but it's mostly because I was trying to test out paragraph lengths and getting them inline with my profile picture. I also added some social media links with nifty icons; I left out Bluesky though, because I couldn't find an icon for that one? The link is in the index file, just commented out.

I am still piecing together the CSS from various sources, and it looks pretty ugly, I'll be the first to admit that. Eventually I will comb through the sheet and organize it a little better. There are some ections that are organized - but some of the new stuff I'm just throwing in at the bottom. I figure, I'm trying things out to see what sticks, so why bother making it all neat and tidy right away? Here's some of the ugly code:

/* Misc Styles */ 

.profile { 
  border-radius: 25px;
  width: 150px;
  height: 150px;
.icon {
  display: inline-block;
  margin-left: 0.2em;
  width: 1em;
  height: 1em;

.about {
  display: inline-block;

Other new stuff: I added a "writing" and "podcast" page. I thought that footnotes were a built-in thing with markdown, but apparently not. I feel as though I've spent enough time playing around with how I want this to look, so I'm leaving it the way it is and picking it back up later.

My Writing page. My Podcasts page.

All in all, I feel pretty good about where this is headed. I think next steps are fixing up the content, and worrying about the layout/design afterward. If that means inserting more Star Trek Ipsum, so be it.

#projects #website