An Almost Anonymous Blog

Back on Track

I was not in a good place yesterday and really felt it. Work was rough on me and I even had to log in the early evening to finish what I needed to do. But afterward I took my dog for a half-hour walk and listened to a podcast and some music, so things looked better the rest of the day.

That "good feeling" continues today, as I'm on my last day of a 1.5 hour commute (both ways). It's related to a corporate policy change combined with having to work remotely for the last three weeks - I'll be back to "normal" next week.


I made some changes to the blog, inspired by m-bluelander. Wayyy back in June (I only discovered it yesterday) he posted about how he split his Bear Blog tags onto a separate page. I didn't realize that in your Bear dashboard if you don't create home page content your home page ( defaults to your blog post list.

m-bluelander has like a million posts1 which pushes all your tags to the bottom of the list, making them less than useful. What he did was use some CSS trickery to create a separate /tags/ page to display them. I did the same and I'm quite pleased with the result. Also makes me happy I cleaned up my tag list.

Here's where you change the URL for your blog list: Where to find the box to re-name your blog post list.


I keep stumbling across different Bear Blogs that post about things that interest me; I wish there was a way to search by post tags but the 'Discover' page is a good start. Anyway there was one yesterday about how to read more that linked to a video I had seen before. Even before s/he mentioned the video title I knew exactly what it would be.

I wholeheartedly support this reading method and I'm trying my best to follow suit. It's the "reading more than one thing at a time" part that I struggle with, especially when I have a library book with a looming due date. My brain wants me to make sure I finish that book in time before I lose it!

Still, I have been reading more books this year than most recent years. I have a modest goal of 15 books and I'm at 9, soon to be 11 (depending on when I finish my current reads2). I'm trying!


A quick edit: I also forgot to mention that I started a draft post solely for playing with markdown and HTML elements so that I can further enhance my blog posts.

  1. Conservative estimate.

  2. I'm currently reading The Devil in the White City and The Big Bang Theory: An Oral History.
