An Almost Anonymous Blog

An Overwhelming Project

I started work on a collection of essays about my experience with epilepsy. I thought it would be really easy since I've written about it so much before. Turns out that's not the case.

I wrote some new essays, one about my most recent seizure (June this year), and those came fairly easily. Then I decided to re-use essays I wrote previously. So I printed them all out to review, and that's when I realized this is going to be harder than I thought.

A lot of the older essays cover the same ground, and some are incredibly outdated. I don't feel like it makes sense to include them, at least in their current form. I am pretty sure I'm going to need to re-write a bunch of them. Some of them work as they are, so that's good. But this is going to take me some time to get through.

I wish I had a publisher lined up for it to give me a deadline to work toward.
