An Almost Anonymous Blog

All Take and No Give

Something that bothers me a little bit about myself is that I am often "all take and no give". For example, there are so many blogs that have link pages that I happen to appear on (and it's very flattering!), but I have yet to reciprocate and make my own. I have said "I'm going to do it" and just...don't get around to it.

I am going to remedy this; I wrote down a task for the month:

Create a "links" page

Another example: I have a "Buy me a coffee" link at the bottom of my page, but I rarely support others in the same way. I'm not a huge believer of karma - but I do believe it a little bit. Why should I expect people to give me the same support that I'm not showing others? I should correct myself and say that I don't expect people to 'buy me a coffee' but you know what I mean.

I do intend on throwing some support to a few places this weekend, but I felt like I needed to call myself out for some minor hypocritical actions.

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