An Almost Anonymous Blog


Earlier today I was writing in my journal at work because I was trying to work through why I was feeling "off". I didn't really determine why exactly, but I did end up writing something insightful that will surely help me down the road.

The good news is that I don't feel like nothing I'm writing is worth anything. People are reading what I'm writing for what feels like the first time and some are responding. I've found my so-called niche - a community of like-minded bloggers who support each other. I feel like that's more than worthwhile.

There are other thoughts I wrote down that are related to shifting goal posts for creativity but the main thrust of this post is that paragraph above that felt really good to write.

Thank you everyone who has reached out in some capacity - Mastodon, email, what-have-you - it means a lot.

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#journalling #personal #reflection